Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Exclusive: Bestselling “Climate Confusion” author talks with Chilling Effect!

New York Times best selling author Dr. Roy Spencer was in the nation’s capital last week to talk about his book Climate Confusion.

Spencer spared a few minutes out of his schedule to talk with The Chilling Effect about the book and the current state of the debate:

TCE: Let’s start off with a very simple question: is the earth getting warmer?

Spencer: The way I phrase it is this: the Earth’s average temperature has not warmed in about 7 years. So, we are all now waiting to see if the warming returns.

TCE: Your position on global warming is in pretty stark contrast to your NASA colleague James Hansen and you talk about him throughout the book. How do your views differ?

Spencer: The major difference between us comes down to one issue: climate sensitivity. Hansen appears to believe that the climate system is very fragile…what we call high climate sensitivity. He bases this mostly on what he thinks happened on the Earth hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ago.

But I prefer to go by what we know the climate system is telling us TODAY, from NASA’s Earth-observation satellites, rather than what we think might have happened in the distant past. And we have recently found, from five years of our newest measurements, evidence of a very IN-sensitive climate system…less sensitive, in fact, than any of the IPCC climate models show in any five year period in their global warming simulations. This work has been submitted for possible publication in Geophysical Research Letters, and it could have a huge impact on the modeling community.

If the climate system is as insensitive as the satellite data suggest, then manmade global warming is mostly a false alarm. But it also means that the warming we’ve seen in the last 100 years must be mostly natural, not manmade, most likely part of a natural cycle. Continued...

"This is totally different.I am interested to know more."

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